State Management

Essential React

React Context

How to handle application wide state


Prevent Prop Drilling

Prop Drilling

React Context API

Step by Step

Context must be created using
const YourContext = createContext<ValueType>(…)

The parameter is the default value of the context.

Provide context in an ancestor component using


Consume within any descendant component using
const value = useContext(YourContext)

What to put in contexts?

Any JavaScript object can be the value of a context.

  • A JSON object
  • An object having fields being functions

Example Use Cases

  • Theme Info
  • Auth Context
  • Language Info


  • Enhance the profile component by prefilling the default form values
  • Display the username globally (e.g. in the header)
  • Hint 1: Provide the context in the App.tsx
  • Hint 2: The value of the context can rely on values of other Hooks

Default values can be provided to the form like this:





Solution continued


Solution continued



Solution continued



How to handle more complex states?

It depends.

Flux / Redux Pattern


  1. Creating an action object
  2. Dispatch the action
  3. Reducer will process the action and create a new store based on the previous store and the action itself
  4. View rerenders with new store

React provides built-in Hooks for flux-based state management without having to use Redux .

useReducer Hook

Takes a reducer function and an initialState

Returns an array with two values, the current state and a dispatch function

                        const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);

Reducer function

Is called with two parameters

  1. The current state
  2. The action the reducer has been called with
                        function reducer(state: State, action: Action) {
                          switch (action.type) {
                            case 'increment':
                              return {count: state.count + 1};
                            case 'decrement':
                              return {count: state.count - 1};
                              throw new Error("unknown action type");
Never manipulate the existing state reference. Always return a new state object!

Type Example

                        type State = {
                            count: number;
                        type Action = { type: 'increment' | 'decrement' }

Applying reducers

  • Can be standalone within a single component
  • Can be used together with useContext

useReducer Exercise

  • Add a pokemon visit counter to your application
  • Count how many pokemon the user has seen
  • Display the count somewhere in your app
  • Add a reset button to reset the counter

Stretch Goal

Don't count multiple visits to the same pokemon.


usePokeVisit.ts types


usePokeVisit.ts reducer function & initial state

usePokeVisit.ts reducer Hook


using usePokeVisit.ts


Dispatching Reducer Actions

Stretch Goal Solution


Overview over more extensive State Management

A rough overview of the different solutions available

Redux / Zustand (flux-based)

Provide additional features that useReducer does not:

  • Middlewares - code to execute after action dispatching and before reducer (e.g. to start data fetching, logging)
  • Selectors - derive aggregations from store

Valtio / MobX (proxy-based)

Permit direct state mutation


Recoil / Jotai (atom-based)

Primary focus on state and selectors

As of 2022 recoil is still experimental


Finite state machines and state charts

Rule of Thumb

Prefer simple solutions for state management


We learned…

  • Context API
  • useReducer
  • External state management solutions
